Prospect & Customer Care
We support our potential customers, customers, and partners in various ways. Caring well for each group of people is an excellent area to continue growing in!
The next message will cover more about how we support our team members.
- Prospect Care happens in our Prospect/Customer Facebook Group, utilizing ATM (add tag and message system) and the Start Here post. The guides are filled with FAQs and answers, recipes, Shred10 info, and articles regarding health. Prospect care can also happen on Project Broadcast with our Weekly Wellness Tips and invitations to learning opportunities. It can also happen through local events you may host and invite others to, like Salad in Jar, Soup Swap, etc…
- Customer Care happens much like our Prospect Care happens in our Facebook Group with the ATM system. Using Project Broadcast, you will be able to care for new customers through campaigns geared toward serving, educating, and helping them. It would cover things like creating a solid daily habit of implementing their JP+, further education on the benefit of JP+, an overview of our products, & checking in on their progress before their 2nd shipment.
The next message will cover more about how we support our team members.