Starter Guide Coaching
Team Member Interview
Why are you starting a Juice Plus Virtual Franchise?
Open Starter Guide - Review 10-1-10 Requirements
Step 1: Product Story Work on what you will say to others about Juice Plus
1. I first heard about Juice Plus from...
2. Juice Plus made sense to me because...
3. Since I have added Juice Plus to my diet...
1. I love Juice Plus because...
2. I eat Juice Plus because...
"If there were a way that you could feel better/healthier as well as make a stable regular income would that be of interest to you?"
Talk with two people per day, Share Product Story, Give Information, and Follow-up in 48 hours.
Read Getting to Yes
Review resources on the Juice Plus page and how to answer most FAQs about Juice Plus and go to
Educate yourself by listening to CDs, watching DVDs, and attending events.
Print out the Fess Up With Juice Plus questions.
Step 2: Events Connecting people to education is the key to building this business
Print out an event planner for each month to keep in front of you as you invite to events.
Fill in Team Events, Juice Plus PPL Events, Virtual Office Events, and Local Events.
Schedule three wellnes presentations in the first 60 days - Invite others using Call, Send, Call, Call.
Step 3: Memory Jogger Make a list of everyone you know
Review Categories for Memory Jogger and who you will talk to as you go about life.
Highlight names of people on your Memory Jogger who are possible team members.
Review Step 1 above for Product Story, Talking with two people, Giving Information, and Following up.
Step 4: Customer Care Care for and retain your customers
Customize your Customer Care and build strong relationships.
Review V.O. E-cards and alerts and E-customer Emails.
Review the JP Effect Program and when to complete on Virtual Office or fax the survey.
Follow up after the JP Effect Survey and see below to learn how to turn customers into distributors.
Gratitude Calls with your sponsor and your customers to create raving fan customers and relationships.
Step 5: Designing Your Juice Plus Team Brainstorm possible team members
If you could choose ten people to work with who would they be? Discuss next steps for each.
Memorize Verbiage to invite others to join your team.
If the prospective distributor has a large patient or client base consider the PSP Program.
Review these tips for Turning Customers Into Distributors.
When someone wants to learn more about the JPVF, use the Business Start Up Page.
Print out the Fess Up with the Virtual Franchise questions.